Trigger Finger Syndrome

Life-Changing Trigger Finger Syndrome Treatment

Are you tired of suffering from numbness, tingling, and weakness in your hands and wrists? Stop trigger finger syndrome at its source, with FASSST Sports Medicine’s micro-invasive Trigger Finger Syndrome Treatment. If medication, physical therapy, and home remedies have failed to give you lasting relief from trigger finger syndrome, then you need a solution.

FASSST Sports Medicine uses a clinically proven, FDA Cleared trigger finger treatment that fights the problem at its source.

Thousands of patients across New Jersey and New York are reclaiming their lives from trigger finger pain and numbness.

Effective Treatments for Trigger Finger

Micro-Invasive Trigger Finger Release

Benefits of Trigger Finger Release with the SX-One MicroKnife® Over Traditional Surgery:

  • Most patients can return to work within 3-6 days
  • Performed in-office or outpatient ambulatory center
  • Performed with local anesthesia
  • Minimally-invasive incision typically closed without sutures
  • Personalized Postoperative therapy
  • Immediate motion of the hand for rapid recovery

Trigger finger is a condition in which one of your fingers gets stuck in a bent position. Your finger may bend or straighten with a snap — like a trigger being pulled and released.

Trigger finger is also known as stenosing tenosynovitis (stuh-NO-sing ten-o-sin-o-VIE-tis). It occurs when inflammation narrows the space within the sheath that surrounds the tendon in the affected finger. If trigger finger is severe, your finger may become locked in a bent position.